Sunday, May 16, 2010

ring a bell

dats how i described my K.I.T.A 2010 experience. i met few new friends. they're great! da input was great too.
its like smtg we know but we didnt realize.
its very usefull. really need somebody to ring a bell in ma head. everything dat i noe n aware of but i juz dun want to bother.
ok now what's next..? Alpha team training's comin up. wow. im not even in da campus yet. wat if i dun get UNIMAS. wat if i get another offer...? sigh.
i can imagine what will life be after dz. for now im busy working. 2 weeks from now i'll QUIT...!
i hope. i wish. i pray...
- dat i'll b able to face the world outside there for i noe its so much bigger...
- dat i'll b able to keep everthing in place despite all da huzzy buzzy life ahead...
-dat i'll be able to keep in touch with da ppl i love , dat love me , dat i dun really like , dat dun like me... gv me da stregth to forgive n forget..
- and many moreee....
abba father, i believe in u.


ADrian said...

hi.....follow u :)..hehehehe

dont wory...God will put u sumwher anywher...js trust Him....u be me :)....He guide me for 3 years away from home in uni...

amanda ambrose said...

thanks bro! =)